Property Management Services on 30A

Panhandle Getaways has the most experienced and dedicated management team in northwest Florida, managing more homes in Prominence than any other rental company. We pride ourselves on our local presence, exceptional service for our guests, and the utmost satisfaction for our owners.
We view our owners as partners and are committed to caring for your home on every level. In fact, the founder of our company is a Prominence owner herself who knows full well the pitfalls and rewards of vacation rental ownership in Prominence, 30A, and beyond. We have dedicated property managers and an on-site office at 26 Hub Lane. Stop by anytime and say hello.
Our Prominence owners can relax knowing their investment is in good hands. Panhandle Getaways only accepts a limited number of new homes each year onto our program in order to give you and your home the attention it deserves. Contact us to discuss your property management needs or to receive a free rental projection for your property.